Answer big picture questions about what matters most to you. Use those answers to figure out what kind of problem means the most to you.
Investigate specific problems quantitatively. Figure out which ones are most worth tackling.
Resolve uncertainties about your long-term plans, get clarity into your strengths and weaknesses, and overcome what’s holding you back.
Now you can generate ideas that are solving a problem you deeply care about and is a good fit for you.
Sprint to see how far you can get to validate your idea. Develop a proof of concept, conduct a literature review, or produce a plan to address the biggest risks and uncertainties.
Use the final sprint week to put the finishing touches on. At the end of the week, you’ll present your project to the rest of the fellowship at Demo Day.
Weeks 1-2
Week 3
Weeks 4-8
Answer big picture questions about what you deeply care about to help you narrow down what problems you want to solve.
What do you mean by impact?
Project Group Call:
Discuss with your group
Launch Call:
Meet the rest of your cohort
Alumni Q&A:
Learn from previous fellows
Generate and refine a list of problems your project could tackle.
Pressing world problems
Project Group Call:
Discuss with your group
Estimation Game:
Analyze, strategize, win
Office Hours:
Get unstuck with your project
Choosing your cause
Criticisms of effective altruism
Pressing problems
Pressing problems
Pressing problems
Clarify your long-term direction, so you can choose an impactful project that best sets you up.
Career Planning
Project Group Call:
Discuss with your group
Forecasting Tournament:
Predict world events
Careers Q&A:
Clarify what's a good fit for you
Generate and refine your list of projects solving pressing problems in the world
Project Proposal:
Summarise you project idea
Project Feedback:
Hone your idea with facilitator and peer feedback
Project Group Call:
Discuss with your group
Project Pairing:
Post your proposal to build a team – or work solo
Work out your next steps so you can get feedback and test your idea
Bayes’ rule
Confirmation bias
Value of information
Community: Doing good together (no video)
No podcasts available